• The Madame Walker Legacy Center will offer a free concert On Friday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. with jazz violinist Mapy. This is a virtual concert you can enjoy in your home. To make a reservation, visit www.mwlc_jazz.eventbrite.com
• Speaking of things to do on Black Friday, check out That Peace Open Mic with Live Painting at an outdoor Kickback music series hosted by Inspire 10th Street. Show begins at 6:30 p.m. at 2301 E. 10th St. outside. Bundle up for the weather!
• Eskenazi will hold a Health Food Drive on Monday, Nov. 23 at 4 p.m. in the parking lot of the north side of the VA Medical Center, 1481 W. 10th St. The event is open to all who visit weekly. There will be free food boxes. This is a drive-in event.
• The Broad Ripple Winter Market will be open Saturday, Nov. 28 from 9 a.m.-noon at 2615 E, 62nd St. Fresh local produce, meats, eggs, and artisanal foods will be available for purchase.
• Congratulations to Keisha M. Gray, who was just appointed as the new Executive Director of the Indianapolis City Market. She comes to Indy with her husband and son, and she’s ready to forge an exciting future for the historic market.
• As a reminder, the Indianapolis Public Library’s many branches are happy to serve patrons with books and other materials. However, they may close from time to time without notice for cleaning. Their curbside service continues for the foreseeable future. To get updates, visit indypl.org or follow the library’s Facebook page.
• A Lawrence Christmas will be held Saturday, Nov. 28 from 4-9 p.m. at the Lawrence Civic Plaza, 5710 Lawrence Village Parkway. The parade will begin at the government center on 59th and Post, and City vehicles and floats will wind down to the Plaza for a festival. There will be an ice-skating rink this year, and rental skates will be available. The material isn’t ice — but has the same “glide” — and can be used in above-freezing temperatures! There will be Christmas music and a tree lighting at 6:30 p.m. and treat bags for kids under 12. Visit their Web site, visitlawrenceindiana.com for more information about this holiday tradition.
• Hancock County is also experiencing a surge in coronavirus cases, and has temporarily closed the Patricia Elmore Center and Greenfield Senior Center. All senior and art activities have been cancelled for the rest of the year.
• As the holidays approach and the virus continues to surge in Central Indiana, more of us are stressed and frustrated with restrictions. You are not alone in your feelings — everyone just wants to get back to “normal.” We miss meeting with our friends, family, going to movies or the theatre, going to get a drink at our local, and the million other things we’ve taken for granted our entire lives. Thanksgiving is around the corner and many of us won’t be able to gather for the traditional meal and fellowship, and it will be missed. If you are having trouble with depression, frustration, and anger, please seek out help from a health care professional, spiritual advisor, or visit bewellindiana.com to get a list of online resources.
Other News This Week
- This Week’s Issue: Jan. 10 & 17 combo
- Plans for Redevelopment of City Market Revealed
- 2024 State Graduation Rate Highest on Record
- Miss Indiana State Fair 2025 Crowned
- City Announces New Mental Health Response Initiative
- “Murder on the Orient Express” at Beef & Boards
- Proposed Legislation May Dissolve School Systems
- Fleetwood Mac: 50 years ago today
- IndyGo Blue Line Receives Funding to Move Ahead
- Eiteljorg Receives Funding for Spirituality Projects
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