Veterans Day 2020 Goes Virtual

INDIANAPOLIS — Veterans Day is Wednesday, Nov. 11 and is usually marked by parades and ceremonies. However, like so many important events this year, the Veterans Day traditions of a breakfast and parade downtown are cancelled. In place of the annual events held near the American Legion Mall, the Veterans Day Council will present a virtual service and awards ceremony to honor veterans. The virtual service will be live-streamed at 11 a.m. on Veterans Day online at
Veterans Day was established in 1919 at the end of World War I to commemorate and celebrate veterans of all wars. Originally called Armistice Day, but in 1954 the name was changed. Since then, the “11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month” has been marked with parades, tributes, and honoring veterans for their service. It is a federal holiday.
Today, about 300,000 veterans of World War II are alive, with most of them in their 90s. It is estimated that we lose about 250 of the “Greatest Generation” veterans each day. Korean War veterans number about 1.165 million in the United States, and about 6.27 million Vietnam War veterans are still alive. Desert Shield and Desert Storm veterans number about 1.68 million. Veterans who served in Peacetime number about 787,000. According to the Veterans Administration, about 14.918 million war veterans are still living from wars from the Revolutionary War to Desert Storm. Of war and peace time, about 19.21 million veterans are living.