INDIANAPOLIS — Governor Eric J. Holcomb announced that he advanced the state to an updated version of the Stage 5 Back On Track Indiana plan and extend the state’s face covering mandate until at least Oct. 17. Local governments may impose more restrictive guidelines.
Under this adjusted Stage 5, face coverings remain required. Organizers of events with more than 500 people in attendance will be required to submit a plan to the local health department that outlines measures to mitigate COVID-19.
Restaurants and bars that serve food may open at full capacity as long as six feet of space to maintain social distancing is in place. Customers must be seated at a table or counter. Indoor and outdoor venues may open at full capacity with social distancing measures in place. Senior centers and congregate meal sites may open with precautions. Personal services and gyms and fitness centers may resume normal operations with social distancing safeguards and cleaning protocols in place.
In Indianapolis, Mayor Joe Hogsett issued updates to restrictions put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. The new Public Health Order went into effect at midnight on September 28 and will remain in force until superseded or rescinded. In the city, bars and restaurants may operate at 50% indoor, 100% outdoor capacity. Live entertainment at restaurants, bars, clubs, music venues, etc. is now permitted, but with a 10-foot spacing requirement between performer(s) and audience
Museums, cultural sites, music venues, movie theatres, bowling alleys, and other cultural and entertainment venues can go to 50% capacity. Indoor religious services and funeral homes may operate at 75% capacity. Gyms, fitness centers, yoga studios, etc. may go to 50% capacity.
Assisted living communities and nursing homes may open indoor and outdoor visitation opportunities in accordance with ISDH guidelines.
All restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and retail food establishments must be closed and cleared of all customers between the hours of midnight and 5:00 a.m. nightly. These establishments are limited to table seating only, with 10 people maximum per table. Masks will be required when moving about establishments, and while not eating or drinking.
In addition, the mask mandate will remain in place.