INDIANAPOLIS — Ten projects will be funded through the 2019 Indianapolis Neighborhood Infrastructure Partnership, a program of the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW).
In December 2018, Mayor Hogsett announced that DPW would accept proposals from community-based organizations for infrastructure projects under a matching fund award program. Funds are available for new projects, including roads, sidewalks, multi-use paths, and bridges.
The Department of Public Works estimates that $126 million of infrastructure improvement–including roadway and transportation projects–will be constructed in 2019. The projects include:
• Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site (1230 N Delaware Street): DPW will partner to rehabilitate Talbott Street, a component of the site’s “Presidential Commons and Advancing American Democracy Plaza” project. Improvements are engineered for enhanced access for emergency vehicles and pedestrians.
• Knollwood Valley Homeowners Association (7275 Knollvalley Lane): DPW will match funds available via the HOA ‘repaving reserve’ fund to resurface Knollvalley Lane and repair curb where it is needed.
• Martin University (2186 N Sherman Drive): DPW will partner to resurface 22nd Street, between N Sherman Drive and Avondale Place.
• Near North Development Corporation (1630 N Meridian Street): DPW will partner to construct a multi-modal path, running along Capitol and Senate avenues, and providing critical connection to existing pedestrian infrastructure at IU Health Downtown, the Fall Creek Trail, and the Indianapolis Cultural Trail.
• The Town of Homecroft: DPW will partner to reconstruct Maynard Drive, from Shelby Street to Madison Avenue in the Town of Homecroft.
• Woods and Meadows Subdivision Homeowners Association (4630 Goldenrain Court): DPW will partner to resurface streets in the public right-of-way as well as completing a final segment of sidewalk, thus promoting connectivity with the nearby Coventry Park development.
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