INDIANAPOLIS — PechaKucha Nights are informal and fun gatherings where creative people get together and share their ideas, works, thoughts in the PechaKucha 20×20 format (similar to TED Talks).
On Feb. 23, from 7-9 p.m., the focus will be on Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW). Five speakers will talk about the development of Indianapolis’ waterways, 20 slides for 20 seconds each, while the rest of the attendees listen, mingle, and learn. There will be a gallery of art, sculptures, and photos from ROW projects this past year all in one place. Visit for more information about PechaKucha events in general.
Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting will be held at Car Beauty 2628 Shelby St. in the Garfield Park area.
ROW is a grassroots movement that is helping neighbors strengthen waterways, and in turn, helping waterways strengthen neighborhoods. ROW focuses on six of Indianapolis’ main waterways: Fall Creek, Pogue’s Run, Pleasant Run, White River, Little Eagle Creek and the Central Canal.
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