Generous Readers Helping to Make the Season Bright

The Weekly View’s thousands of readers are helping to make the season bright for the adults and children of Coburn Place (a safe space for domestic violence survivors) and local families in need. Thank you to the generous gifts givers who have dropped toys, coats, and more at our offices so far! We still have a ways to go, but we’re getting there.
Jan DeFerbrache of Gaia Works said that there 24 boys ranging from 1 year old to 17, and 23 girls ranging from 1 month old up to 18. There are 35 moms who need gifts as well. Jan will also take cash donations so her special elves can do the shopping for you. Donations to Gaia Works are tax deductible. You can contact Jan directly at 317-357-1101. The pantry and drop off location directly to Gaia Works is 203 S. Audubon.
In addition to the holiday donations, we continue to take food donations that are distributed to Gaia Works pantry and the Community Food Box at 17th and Gladstone. Donations of canned meats, vegetables, fruit, peanut butter, soups, crackers, pasta, and other non-perishable items, personal care items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, small shampoo and conditioner bottles, wet wipes, and soap) can be dropped off at our office at 195 N. Shortridge Rd., Suite D during business hours (9-5 Mon.-Fri.). Gaia Works provides 10-15 bags of food to needy seniors on the east side.
Help us make the world a little bit better by helping out our local needy families!