INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) will begin collecting leaves in Marion County beginning Mon., Nov. 7 through Fri., Dec. 2. Residents can dispose of as many as 40 bags of leaves per household each week during the collection window on their regular trash day. Last year, DPW collected over 5,000 tons of leaves through this free program.
Indianapolis residents are asked to follow a few simple guidelines:
• Place leaves in plastic or specially built large paper yard waste bags
• Place leaf bags outside by 7 a.m. on your regular trash day
• In cart areas, keep all leaf bags at least 3 feet away from trash carts so trucks can access carts
DPW would like to remind residents that any trash left outside of carts will not be collected. Leaves collected this year will be composted at the South Side Landfill and resulting mulch will be available to residents in the spring.
It is illegal for residents to burn leaves in Marion County. Burning leaves creates particles, including dust, soot and other materials, that can contain toxic chemicals. These chemicals can worsen conditions related to heart and lung disease.
Residents should also clear leaves and debris from storm drains to avoid drainage and flooding problems.
For more information, please contact the Mayor’s Action Center via the RequestIndy application on your smart phone or calling (317) 327-4622. Visit to learn more about DPW trash services.
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