John Thavis draws on his thirty years of experience as a journalist covering the Vatican in writing his book, The Vatican Prophecies: Investigating Supernatural Signs, Apparitions and Miracles in the Modern Age. His comprehensive descriptions tell what people see, the history of the phenomena and the effects on believers. The book has a marvelous introduction discussing the convergence of reason and wonder along with six chapters. These chapters cover relics, sightings of Mary, the Shroud of Turin, exorcisms, miracles, the process of naming a person a Saint and prophecies particularly related to the end times.
One of the major exorcisms discussed took place in northern Indiana. The descriptions of the odd happenings beggar the imagination. They are, however, confirmed by such independent persons as a social worker. And the exorcisms seem to have worked. This particular exorcism was also featured several months ago in the Indianapolis Star. Each reader will have to decide for themselves if there really was an exorcism.
I found the descriptions of the crowds thronging relics, the Shroud of Turin and apparitions of Mary amazing. Thavis carefully discusses the evidence both for and against the validity of the phenomena. However, lack of approval by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church doesn’t keep the true believers away. This indicates to me that many in this modern world are still searching for spirituality and meaning for their lives.
Thavis’ book is easily accessible to both Catholics and non-catholics. Autographed copies are available at Bookmamas, 9 Johnson Ave.