• Terry Hankins, long-standing supporter of the community on the east side, passed away March 29. He was retired from the Indianapolis Engine Plant and collected International Harvester toys and memorabilia, which he donated to the Irvington Historical Society’s IH display. He will truly be missed.
• There will be a Mass Ave Industrial Corridor Film Viewing Party + KIB Tree Planting Fundraiser on April 13 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Circle City Industrial Complex G-10 farmers market space for the first screening of the Mass Ave Industrial Corridor Film. This short film captures the many people working and the products being made in this industrial corridor and shares the redevelopment story that is underway. This event is free and open to the public, but it will also serve as a fundraising event for the Keep Indianapolis Beautiful tree planting event that will occur south of the I-70/Rural interchange on May 2. Please contact Emily Scott at escott@rileyarea.org with any questions about the film screening or how to sponsor or volunteer at the tree planting.
• Warren Township will welcome Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett to the Warren Pride Great Indy Clean Up April 9 at 8 a.m. at Warren Central High School, 9500 E. 16th St. Enjoy a light breakfast, hear from the Mayor and get ready to bag the trash in Warren Township. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. After the clean up (various work sites around Warren Township), head back to Warren Central for a Community Cook Out.
• Irvington Presbyterian Church at 55 Johnson Ave. will present the Purdue University Choir, Heart & Soul, and Purdue Handbell ensemble on April 8 at 7:30 p.m. This is a free concert.
• The Fraternal Order of Police state basketball tourney over the weekend of April 2-3 in Evansville pitted several police agencies across the state against each other in a battle for b-ball supremacy. IMPD emerged victorious against the Indiana State Police. Congratulations officers!
• Seth Maxwell, a graduate of Franklin Central High School, will be the featured speaker on the global water crisis at UIndy’s Professional Edge Center program April 15 at 3 p.m. at the Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center, 1400 E. Hanna Ave. He is the co-founder and CEO of the Thirst Project, an organization that has established over 1,000 water projects in 13 countries. Admissionis free to the event.
• The Near Eastside Neighborhood Summit will be held April 28 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Westminster Neighborhood Services center, 2325 E. New York St. All neighbors are invited to attend to share their hopes, wishes, and visions for the future of the near eastside. Discussions of task force report, the Pogue’s Run Art Park at 23rd and Dequincey, and much more will be on the table. Bright Beginnings Learning Academy will be providing child care for all ages infants-12 years.
• The bridge over Pleasant Run in Irvington has been replaced, after months of construction work. It is a thing of beauty!