Indiana State Police Seeks Recruits for 76th Recruit Academy

INDIANA — The Indiana State Police is now accepting applications for the 76th Recruit Academy. Individuals who are interested in beginning a rewarding career as an Indiana State Trooper may apply online at The website will provide a detailed synopsis of the application process as well as information on additional career opportunities with the Indiana State Police Department.
The starting salary for an Indiana State Police Department recruit is $1,445.75 bi-weekly during the academy training. At the completion of academy training, the starting salary is $39,213.00 a year. The Indiana State Police also offers an excellent health care plan, which includes medical, dental, vision and pharmacy coverage for both current and retired employees, along with their families. The Indiana State Police pension program provides a lifetime pension after 25 years of service. Additionally, the Indiana State Police Department provides comprehensive disability coverage and a life insurance program.
Applications must be received via e-mail by 11:59 pm (EST), on Wednesday, January 6, 2016.