Applause!: May 2-9

• The fundraiser for Mitch at Manley’s Irish Mutt on April 27 was an enormous success. It was standing room only, and it was hard to find a parking space, but people came out to support Mitch. The east side is full of wonderful, caring and generous folks!
•  Free Comic Book Day is May 3! Visit Downtown Comics (11 E. Market on the Circle, Castleton at 5767 E. 86th St. or west side at 7301 W. 10th St.) for a free comic. Hometown Comics in Greenfield, 1506 North State St. will also be participating, and offering all sorts of other kinds of fun at the store.
• Indy 500 Movie Nights at Irvington returns this year, beginning May 5 at 7 p.m. at the Irvington Branch library (5625 E. Washington St.) The theme of the 5th is “Andy Granatelli Tribute Night.” Films shown will be “The Quiet Revolution” (1967), “Racing Revolution” (1968), “The Challenge of Champions” (1969), and “One Heartbeat Away” (1973). On May 13 at 7 p.m., it will be “Decades Night.” Films shown will be “The Test Supreme” (1934), “The Fantastic 500” (1954), “Strategy for Speed” (1964), and “Twenty-One Days in May” (1974). Movies at the library are free and family-friendly.
• Garfield Park will hold its annual Chalk Art Festival and Competition May 10 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Garfield Park Arts Center, 2432 Conservatory Dr. The festival is for all ages and experience levels. Bring your own chalk or buy chalk on site for $3. Register between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Arts Center. Adults and teens may have their work judged for competition. Enjoy live music and lunch from a local food truck. Ruditoonz will be entertaining between noon-2 p.m.
• Save the date for the book launch of Jared Carter’s latest book of poetry, Darkened Rooms of Summer. The launch will be on May 18 from 2-4 p.m. in the meeting rooms of the Holliday Park Nature Center, 6363 Spring Mill Road. Carter is an award-winning poet who lives on the near-eastside with his lovely wife Diane. If you’ve never read his work, please visit the library and check out one of his collections — or better yet, visit your friendly local bookseller and purchase one!