IMPD East District Commander Waters opened the Aug 14th Task Force meeting with good news about crime statistics in the East District. Violent crime is down by 4 percent and residential burglaries are down by 11 percent. There was a preview showing of an upcoming episode of the TV show “Cops” which will feature IMPD officers. The TV crews have just finished their ride alongs and filming, so Waters was not sure when it would air. (By the way, anyone wanting to do a “ride along” with an officer is welcome to do so. Just contact Officer Tammy Peters at 327-6267.)
Karen Lightbourne was introduced as the new liaison from the Mayor’s office and Rocio Garcia has been hired as the Latino Crime Coordinator and to assist Officer Candy Perry in her initiative to work with youth on the Eastside. They have received a three year grant to help develop the efforts IMPD is making to involve the Latino community in crime prevention.
Special speaker of the evening was Officer Daniel Bullman who explained the IMPD Explorer program. This program involves youth ages 14-19 who have an interest in becoming police officers. They go through training similar to Police Cadets and, in addition to weekly meetings, volunteer community service hours in a number of areas. The 28 current Explorers have undergone training as part of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and some have gone through bike patrol training (not as easy as you might imagine!) to assist with patrolling the Monon Trail, traffic control and security at area art fairs and other events throughout Marion County. One Explorer spoke following a video of their training and some of activities they participate in with active IMPD officers. He had learned about the program through his Warren High School counselor and is committed to joining the police force following college. In addition to general physical skills, Explorers learn people skills, good citizenship and psychology. The program assists them in obtaining grants and scholarships to help them complete higher education following graduation from high school. If you know a young person who might be interested in joining the Explorer program, have them call 327-3041 or speak with their school counselor.
Several new Neighborhood Crime Watch captains and other concerned citizens attended the meeting and, as always, were welcomed. Meetings are open to everyone and the public is encouraged to come meet people from resources that can help keep your neighborhoods safe. Task Force meetings alternate from afternoons one month to evenings the next in an effort to be available to as many people as possible. The next meeting will be at 2 p.m. on September 11th at East District Headquarters, 201 N Shadeland.
Mark your calendars for the annual IMPD Community Day to be held Saturday, Sept 21st from 10 AM to 1 PM across the street from Headquarters at Crossroads Bible College. Besides all the IMPD special units (horse, canine, bomb squad) there will be games, prizes, food and drinks, educational information, health screening and attendance by the Indianapolis Fire Department.
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