IRVINGTON — New Historic Irvington Community Council Board of Directors were announced at the May 21 meeting.
• District 1: Sally Johnson, Andrea De Mink, Stan Denski, Justin Miller, and Ed Adams
• District 2: Ryan Trester and Mike Perron
• District 3: Dale Harkins, Marty Powell, Stephanie Smith, and Nathan Thompson
• District 4: Mike Spilbeler, Chris Maroldo, and Matthew Cox
The Council elects new Board members every two years and this year’s election took place May 1st – 18th. The new Council members will take his or her place at the June 2013 meeting and the term will run from June 2013 through May 2015. The election of Executive Officers will also take place at this meeting. The June meeting will be held June 18 at 7 p.m. in the basement of the Irvington Presbyterian Church, 55 Johnson Ave.