Team Weekly View

This appeared in the June 5, 2015 issue of the Weekly View.This was a dream come true  for Steve who was a Indy 500 Race Fan all his life and race trivia expert — to sponsor a car in the Indy 500-Mile Race!

As you may know, the Weekly View was one of the sponsors of the #98 Dallara Honda of rookie Gabby Chaves. On the Thursday before the race, the Boss and I got to go to the track and visit the Bryan Herta Team garage to see our car. I wound up getting a closer look at it than we might have normally done. It was a fascinating and very informative afternoon for us and the Boss got some very good pictures. Chaves was the fastest rookie qualifier and started 26th. His crew chief Mark Mattes told me that they would carefully monitor Gabby during race with the idea that finishing in one piece was the primary team goal. Gabby drove smoothly and carefully during the race and by lap 174 was in 8th place. However, late in the race he was rear ended and though he stayed in the competition, he dropped to 16th position by the finish. He did complete the 200 laps and was named “Rookie of the Year.” It was a great deal of fun for all of us at the Weekly View and for me in particular.