Weekly View Celebrates 15th Anniversary!

The Weekly View’s “birthday” was January 16, marking the day in 2009 when we moved into our office on Shortridge. The four of us were refugees from the closure of the Eastside Herald, a 70 + year publication that had served the eastside of Indianapolis very well. We created the Eastside Voice (later changed to the Weekly View) to cover the positive news of the greater east side of Indy, and provide advertisers with an affordable option to reach customers. And here we are, 15 years later, still standing!

We’ve been blessed over the years with a wonderful support system of columnists like Al Hunter, C.J. Woods III, Linda Kennett, and Steve Barnett. We’re also grateful for the hard work of our carriers who deliver to 22 zip codes throughout the area, and the readers who pick up the paper faithfully. There have been many challenges over the past several years, including a global pandemic and economic downturn, but we’ve managed to adjust and move forward through it all.

For 15 years we’ve worked hard to make the paper the best it can be. One of the original partners left, and the three of us (Paula Nicewanger, Judy Crawford, and Ethel Winslow) have kept the lights on these many years. Recently the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released a survey that stated that only a third of businesses last 10 years, and the “information” sector like newspapers has fared slightly worse over the last decade. We’ve kept going because we have had strong support from our readers, advertisers, and our contributors who believe in the mission of keeping the east side entertained and informed.

We ladies of the View look forward to what the future holds for all of us! Thank you for reading!