Neighborhood Tour to Highlight LGBTQ+ Legacy

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Landmarks and the Herron-Morton Place Neighborhood Association, with support from Indy Pride and Herron Classical Schools, are hosting a June 24 tour of historic Herron-Morton Place, the 160+-year-old Indianapolis neighborhood that played an unique role as a hub of LGBTQ+ life and culture during some of the community’s most vulnerable decades.
The walking tour shares each chapter of the neighborhood’s history and highlights an array of landmarks, including Herron High School, Talbott Theater, a Quaker meetinghouse, 19th- and 20th-century houses and more.
Tickets include the 90-minute guided walking tour, a peek inside Herron High School, and one small milkshake or non-dairy alternative from Baby’s, a retro-inspired restaurant located in the former Talbott Street Nightclub.
The tour will be held June 24, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Book tour times when buying tickets). Check in at lawn of Herron High School, 110 E. 16th St.  The cost is $30 for general admission ($25 for Indiana Landmarks and Herron-Morton Place Neighborhood Association members); $20 for children ages 6-11; free for children age 5 and younger.