Epilogue Players Presents “My Three Angels” Nov. 10-20

INDIANAPOLIS — Epilogue Players presents “My Three Angels,” directed by Cathy Mobley which opens Thursday, Nov. 10 and runs until Sunday, Nov.20. Thursday to Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m.
The scene is French Guiana, where on Christmas day the temperature has dropped to 104 degrees. Three convicts are employed as roofers by a family, whose roof is in desperate need of maintenance. The convicts take on a couple of evil-minded visitors and redeem themselves as real life angels to the grateful family.
Tickets are $16 general admission, $14 for seniors and students, and $10 for Thursday performances for everyone. Patrons must have advance prepaid reservations by buying tickets online at epilogueplayers.com/reservations-2/