World War I 100 Years Ago: Dec. 5-12

From The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, December 10, 1914: European countries have always manufactured large quantities of surgical instruments, and the fact that one Indianapolis concern is now providing surgical blades and another is providing medical furniture to countries engaged in the European War is taken as proof that the demand for surgical items in Europe is already beginning to exceed the supply. The E. Schmid Co, 918 Ft. Wayne Av, manufacturers of surgical instruments, has filled one order for 3,000 surgeons’ knives that will be shipped to Russia. Also, W. D. Allison & Co, 905 N. Alabama, manufacturers of physicians’ furniture, has sold $3,000 – $4,000 (2013: $68,773.45 – $91,697.93) worth of hospital and surgical instruments to East Coast jobbers that is destined for the warring nations.