100 Years Ago This Week: Feb. 14-20

From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, February 19, 1925: The state fairground Exposition Building has ample room for the crowds expected to attend the state basketball finals next month without the crowding of aisles and passageways according to authorities. This determination was expressed following a statement issued yesterday to high school officials by Dixson Byrum, chair of the state industrial board, that they would be subject to prosecution if overcrowding was allowed in halls and auditoriums where basketball games were in progress. The Exposition Building has actual seating for 13,500 people and, to prevent crowding at the entrances, there is a platform at the north end of the playing court for standing room of an overflow crowd that will hold an additional 6,000. Mayor Shank assures there will be ample police and fire protection forces on hand to regulate the crowd.