IMPD Vehicles Damaged Over Weekend

INDIANAPOLIS — According to reports from Indianapolis Metro Police Department (IMPD), several incidents of large crowds and reckless driving were reported that escalated, including attacks on patrol vehicles. In the early hours of there were two incidents of crowds gathering at E. Washington St. and Pine, and later IMPD East District officer was dispatched to the intersection of Brookville Rd. and Arlington Ave with reports of vehicles obstructing the intersection. The officer saw 30-40 vehicles blocking the area. An Indiana State Police (ISP) Trooper was on-scene with lights and sirens to disperse the crowd. A person at the scene fled, and was taken into custody. At both incidents, officers reported spinning and other reckless driving.
On the evening of Sept. 15, IMPD responded two incidents on the west side with Indiana State Police (ISP) with reports of reckless drivers. They observed dozens of vehicles spinning and doing burnouts in a parking lot. While trying to clear the scene, the ISP troopers had rocks and bottles thrown at their vehicles. The ISP vehicles sustained damage from the rocks and bottles. Later, they were again called to the area on reports of reckless driving and spinning. Officers later located one of the vehicles involved in the spinning that was observed doing donuts and burnouts near pedestrians. Officers were able to stop the vehicle and arrested the driver for criminal recklessness.
Early morning on Sept. 16, officers responded two incidents on the east side, at English and Arlington and later, a crowd of about 100 people near Emerson and English. However, when officers attempted to disperse the crown on Arlington and English, some in the crowd attached the patrol vehicles with baseball bats and other items.  As officers started to back away, the individuals continued to follow the officers, while throwing items at officers’ vehicles causing damage. An officer identified a suspect, who was arrested and charged with vandalism of city property and attempted aggravated assault of a police officer. At the Emerson and English incident, officers saw a large crowd of about 100 people, and some poure oil and gasoline on the roadway and set it on fire. Officers also saw reckless driving. When they activated their emergency lights and sirens, about 20 individuals, many who were wearing face masks, began to launch items, the gas and oil cans, at officers and their vehicles, some of which were on fire. At least one person began to spray a fire extinguisher in the area, creating a large cloud of smoke and making it difficult for officers to see.
One individual threw a fire extinguisher at an officer’s police vehicle, causing significant damage.
IMPD will continue to investigate these incidents and is urging anyone with information or footage of the events to come forward to assist in identifying those responsible for the violence. You can call Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana at 317-262-8477 or (TIPS).