100 Years Ago This Week: Jan. 31-Feb. 7

From The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, February 4, 1914:  Miss Della Brown, of the Church Federation, addressed the local Council of Women yesterday on vice conditions in Indianapolis.  In plain language she told of the menace of the picture shows and their demoralizing effect to children, and of the city’s 670 saloons.  She told of the 2,014 public dances given in the last year, and of her visit one night to one of the dance halls, where she found 52 young people not only dancing but drinking beer and wine. “It’s worthwhile for women to see something of the other side of life and know the awful conditions,” she said. Another point she made was the lack of responsibility shown by parents as to where their children are in the evenings. “It’s time we were all waking up!”

If you would like a collection of these “100 Years Ago this Week” the  Bona Thompson Memorial Center, 5350 E. University (Irvington) has the last 3 years in 3 booklets – $10 per set. They are open Wed. 1-3pm, Sat. & Sun.1-4pm. All proceeds benefit the Irvington Historical Society.