City Plans to Increase Bike Connectivity

INDIANAPOLIS — Plans to expand and improve bicycle and multimodal connectivity in the city were recently announced by city officials. The funding for the plan includes $448,350 collected through a Shared Mobility Operator ordinance passed by the Indianapolis City-County Council in 2018. The ordinance requires licensed shared electronic scooter companies to contribute $1 per day per scooter deployed in the city to a multimodal infrastructure fund for DPW.
The bicycle and multimodal expansion plan focuses on two areas in the city: the near northside  and the near southeast. Two public open house meetings are scheduled for August to share details of the plan and collect input.
Some of the funding will be allocated to Freewheelin’ Community Bikes, Bike Indianapolis and Biker Boyz & Girlz Shop. The three organizations provide education and bicycles to children and young adults, teaching them not only education to ride safely but also skills to repair bicycles.
The connectivity infrastructure recommendations are outlined in the Indy Moves plan to integrate transportation and mobility choices throughout the city. Indy Moves was adopted by the City-County Council and the Metropolitan Development Commission in 2018.
Public open house session to discuss the new connectivity plan will be held in August at the following locations:
• August 19 from 5:3-7:00 p.m. at Broadway United Methodist Church, 609 E. 29th St.
• August 21 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Southeast Community Service Center, 901 Shelby St.