Making the Season Bright on the Eastside

Gaia Works helps seniors and the underserved year round, but truly steps up in November and December. This year, they are taking donations of food for seniors and families. They will take food donations at the shop, located at 6125 E. Washington St. (parking is available around the back). They are in need of canned vegetables and fruit, boxed mixes for corn muffins, instant mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal. Executive Director Jan Deferbrache noted that they are in need of small frozen chickens that are ideal for senior households. They also can use gift cards from local grocery stores to buy last-minute items and fresh produce. The deadline to donate for the Thanksgiving boxes is Monday, November 25.
Gaia Works, the Irvington-based nonprofit organization that helps people year round, has for many years had a holiday drive for gifts for the families at Coburn Place. Coburn Place provides shelter and resources for survivors of domestic violence. Many volunteers are gearing up for a few weeks of hectic activity — collecting gifts for all ages, food for the pantry, toiletry items for baskets, and money for other needed items that might not be donated.
The toy drive for Gaia Works begins the day after Thanksgiving, with collection points here at the Weekly View office, 195 N. Shortidge Rd., Suite D, Si Green’s Bar at 10th and Emerson, and The Magick Candle/Gaia Works 6125 E. Washington St. This year, Thanksgiving falls late in November, making the holiday shopping season short, so time is of the essence!
Great gifts for the children of Coburn Place include new cold weather gear (hats, scarves, gloves), and stocking stuffers for children. This year, they will need items for at least 50 children of all ages. New toys are welcome, including items for teens. In addition to toys and clothing, donations of wrapping paper, rolls of tape, and tags are greatly appreciated.
Gaia Works is also collecting new pet items for their seniors, including leashes, water and food bowls, wet and dry dog and cat food, and grooming tools.
Volunteers also put together Blessing Bags for individuals experiencing homelessness. Each gallon-sized resealable plastic bag contains an individually wrapped snack or drink, grooming and hygiene products, toothbrush/toothpaste kits, soap, and other items.
Small gifts and toiletries for the ladies at Dove House are being collected as well for gift bags. Dove House is a haven for women who have experienced abuse, homelessness, and substance abuse.
If you’re interested in helping with your time, contact Gaia Works directly by calling the Magick Candle at 317-357-1101.