Broad Ripple Home Tour Sept. 21

BROAD RIPPLE — The Broad Ripple Home Tour will take place from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21. Presented by Randy Wasmuth of Maywright and Cafe Lending, the tour offers a glimpse into some of the most beautiful homes in Broad Ripple Village.
The tour includes three magnificent Broad Ripple homes that highlight the one-of-a-kind neighborhood’s lifestyle, architecture, interior design, art, and history. The tour allows you to see the beautiful interiors, learn about those who have lived in it over the years, meet the owners, and take away decorating and renovation ideas.
This years featured homes are:
• The Miller-Gould Home, 350 E. 60th Street
• The Stepp Home, 6262 N. Washington Boulevard
• The Wasmuth Home, 6454 Central Avenue
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 day of. They may be purchased in advance by visting This is a cashless event.