“Better the Bona” Campaign Gets Underway

IRVINGTON — Twenty-five years ago, the Bona Thompson Memorial Center was a mess. Over the years, $1 million was invested to restore the building, which at one time was the library for Butler University.
Two years ago, after occupying the Bona on a long term lease, the Irvington Historical Society finally became the sole owner of the Bona Thompson Center.
As the owner, the society was responsible for the upkeep and maintenance on this 120 year old building, including the replacement of the seven heating and cooling units, which have now outlived their practical life expectancy. Currently, four of those seven units are no longer working. The problem is that in addition to being a public museum showcasing Irvington’s history, the Bona is also an archive protecting and preserving over 150 years’ worth of Irvington history. While these low temperature swings in the winter and high temperatures in summer are uncomfortable for visitors and volunteer staff, they are dangerous to the art work, books, papers and other materials in their extensive collections.
One year ago, the Irvington Historical Society launched one of the biggest fundraising projects since the initial effort to save the Bona Center a quarter century ago.
The goal of our Bettering the Bona fundraising campaign is to raise $250,000 to do three things: Replace and update the building’s heating and cooling systems, then convert the former boiler room into a public gallery and meeting space, known as the Bona Annex.
Residents, former residents and the fans of Irvington are encourage to help raise funds for the project. They have raised $64,418 toward the goal. The Irvington Historical Society has an angel who is willing to match dollar for dollar the first $100,000 that we raise.
Please join us by supporting the Irvington Historical Society by:
• Taking out a family membership in the Society for just $25.
• Give memberships to all of your friends.
• Donate at their GoFundMe page, https://www.gofundme.com/…/bettering-bona-keeping…
For more information, please visit the Better the Bona Page, https://www.irvingtonhistory.org/bettering-the-bona/.