Indianapolis Fire Dept. Adds Canine to Unit

INDIANAPOLIS — The newest member of the IFD/IMPD Fire Investigations Unit is 2 year old canine Maya.
Maya, was purchased through Ultimate Canine in Westfield, by Bright Ideas owners Jan and Vince Lorenzano. The Lorenzano family has deep ties to Indianapolis Public Safety with Vince’s brother Tony Lorenzano serving 20 years as an IPD officer and his brother John serving 3 1/2 years on the #IFD before tragically losing his life in the Athletic Club Fire in 1992. The dog was graciously gifted, by the Lorenzanos to the fire investigations unit through the Indy Public Safety Foundation.
Maya, an Ignitable Liquid Detection canine, recently brought along her expert handler #IMPD Detective Alan Englert, and conducted a demonstration and wowed the staff at Bright Ideas with her awesome detection skills.