#IChoosePeace Campaign Launches to Help Combat Violence

INDIANAPOLIS — Recently, Mayor Joe Hogsett joined partners and the Indy Peace Fellowship, a partnership between the Indy Public Safety Foundation and the City’s Office of Public Health and Safety, to announce the launch of the #IChoosePeace campaign in honor of National Gun Violence Awareness Month this June. This campaign aims to promote peace, spread awareness, and empower individuals and organizations to act against gun violence in our community.
The #IChoosePeace campaign encourages individuals, businesses, schools, and community leaders to commit to peace and safety by taking a pledge to reduce gun violence in Indianapolis. Residents will see orange throughout Indy and have the opportunity to raise their hand for peace through community events and pop-up activations all month long. In addition, the campaign provides a platform for people to share their personal experiences and offer resources to support those impacted by gun violence.
Here are ways individuals and families can take a proactive approach to promote peace in their communities:
• Spread Awareness: Encourage your friends and family to join you in choosing peace over violence in your community through social media using the hashtag #IChoosePeace, adding their personal commitment to the virtual Peace Pledge Wall at indypeace.org/choosepeace or partaking in community events supporting peace.
• Check in on your People: Model peace-forward behavior and promote a culture of safety and responsibility in your community by proactively reaching out to your friends, family, and community members through the Postcards for Peace initiative.
• Get Involved: Learn about organizations across the city that are committed to peace and gun violence reduction, and volunteer your time or resources.
• Educate Yourself: Learn about the impact of gun violence on individuals and communities from personal accounts and share your knowledge with others.
To learn more about how residents can become active in the campaign and sign the pledge to choose peace, visit indypeace.org.