Shirley Temple: What a Doll!

This column first appeared in July 2011.

Able to hold her own with some of the finest tap dancers of the 20th century, always coiffed with 56 perfect golden ringlets, and driven by one of the most notorious stage mothers of all times, little Shirley Jane Temple burst onto the big screen at the age of three to begin a career that would establish her as the greatest child star in American film history.
Her first major hit came in the 1934 release Bright Eyes, for which she was presented with a specially designed miniature Oscar for her performance. It was the peak of the Great Depression and her wining smile and sunny disposition came as a ray of hope for the desperation that faced thousands. Her film career spanned 15 years during which she made over 20 full-length feature films. Today the dolls made in her likeness are considered to be one of the most collectible of all American made dolls.
The Ideal Toy Company was the first to manufacture the Shirley Temple doll from 1934-1939. Available in nine sizes ranging from 11-27 inches tall, the composition dolls were made of six pieces strung together with elastic and painted flesh tone. They have hazel eyes with upper hair lashes and painted eyebrows, lower lashes and lips and mohair wigs. They are marked SHIRLEY TEMPLE on the back of the head or neck.
Shirley Temple baby dolls, produced in 1935-1936 are highly sought by collectors. They were made with either composition or rubber and are marked SHIRLEY TEMPLE on the back of the head. The baby dolls came both bald and wigged. They will have an open mouth with three lower teeth and two upper ones. Their original costume consisted of a organdy long dress and bonnet with cotton panties and slip and leather booties. Height range on these dolls will be from 16-27 inches.
Vinyl dolls were made from 1957-1963 during the Shirley Storybook television series. They have a smiling dimpled mouth and saran hair. Their five sizes range from 12-36 inches and were marked on the back with the inch measurement and the letters ST or STN. Costumes on these dolls are 1950s fashions or famous storybook characters. They do not have the value of the earlier dolls.
During the 1930s, every little girl in America wanted to be just like Shirley Temple, and the Nannette division of Rosenau Brothers made that possible with their line of clothes for toddlers. Collectors watch for coats and snowsuits made by H&J Block, swimsuits by Shawmut, raincoats by Sherbrook, and slips and panties from Kaufman Brothers.
Other Shirley collectibles include the three piece breakfast set from 1930s boxes of Bisquick and Wheaties, tea sets, coloring books, paper dolls, play kits and  sheet music of the songs in Shirley’s movies. Press books listing the products available after the release of each of her early movies are in high demand, as are movie heralds, lobby cards, and theatre programs. Movie posters from the 30s and 40s are a great find and have been know to bring up to $1,000 in mint condition
Her smile, optimism, and  innocence have brought joy and hope to decades of fans, who embrace the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who said, “…our country will be alright, as long as we have Shirley Temple.” Until next time . . . Linda

Linda Kennett is a professional liquidation consultant specializing in down-sizing for seniors and the liquidation of estates and may be reached at 317-258-7835 or