Downtown Canal Gets Public Safety Upgrades

INDIANAPOLIS — Phase 2 of 3 in public safety upgrades along the Downtown Canal has been completed. Phase 2 entailed the LED conversion of over 145 lights beginning from West Street to the canal’s north end.
Beginning of 2021, Indy DMD worked alongside IMPD and downtown partners to map out a series of three public safety investments for the Downtown Canal. Known as one of Indianapolis’ largest public spaces, City leadership secured $357k for the installation of 2 public safety cameras and the LED conversion of all under-bridge, stairway, walkway and bollard (pole) lights. Funding for this project, as well as the Colts Canal Playspace and its ongoing infrastructure improvements, was sourced via the Downtown Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district.
Phase 1 of canal public safety upgrades included the installation of two pole-mounted IMPD cameras along the Colts Canal Playspace area, as well as the LED conversion of under-bridge string lighting. Phase 2, began in January 2023, focused on the LED conversion of elevator and stairs lighting, as well as the first stretch of bollard lighting along the canal. To date, over 145 lights from West Street to the north end of the Downtown Canal have been converted to LED, increasing visibility, reducing energy consumption, and lowering maintenance costs. Through the remainder of 2023, Indy DMD and partners will finish out the LED conversion of remaining bollard lights.