INDIANAPOLIS — Beginning Jan. 17, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) started to assess soil for lead contamination in rights-of-way along residential streets near the former American Lead reclamation facility located at 2102 Hillside Avenue on the east side of Indianapolis.
The American Lead site was used for industrial purposes dating back to at least the late 1800s, and for secondary lead smelting operations from 1946 to 1965. Previous lead soil investigations and removals in the American Lead Environmental Advisory Area were conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2005, 2007, and 2016.
The American Lead Environmental Advisory Area, or area of contamination, is roughly defined as 25th Street to the north, Ralston Avenue to the northeast, along the railroad to Interstate 70 with I-70 forming the southern border, and the Monon Trail to the west. The site is in the historic Martindale-Brightwood neighborhood and is made up of industrial, commercial, residential properties, community centers, playgrounds, parks, churches, and schools. There are properties in the area where contaminated soil was not removed because the property owner at the time did not grant EPA or IDEM access; or results from samples showed lead concentrations below the mandatory cleanup levels.
IDEM staff will be field testing soils along public rights-of-way to assess the presence of lead in areas previously unsampled.
In cooperation with the City of Indianapolis, the EPA, and the Marion County Public Health Department, IDEM will be mailing an informational brochure to area residents to raise awareness of sampling and provide information on resources available to reduce the risk of lead exposure for children.
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