100 Years Ago: Sept. 16-22

From The Indianapolis News, Saturday, September 16, 1922: Indianapolis colored citizens have formed an organization for the advancement of civic, social, and political conditions of the city’s colored people. Known as the Better Indianapolis League, the organization resulted from a general feeling among the colored people that they should have a general body that would be representative of their interests. The League’s objective is to advance the group’s standards of living in Indianapolis by improving moral and social conditions, civic pride, and promoting a more wholesome and effective cooperation in business and professional matters. It hopes to encourage and promote a more intelligent use of the suffrage right. The officers of the Better Indianapolis League are F. B. Ransom, president; James Bryant, first vice-president; Alberta Dent, second vice-president; Vena Gary, recording secretary, Carrie Martin, financial secretary; and Alice Kelley, treasurer.