INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW) closed the intersection of Rural Street, Southeastern Avenue and English Avenue on Oct. 13 to begin work on a two-lane roundabout and other improvements related to the Community Justice Campus in the Twin Aire neighborhood. The intersection is expected to remain closed through May 2022.
Rural Street between Southeastern/English Avenues and Washington Street will be closed to through traffic during construction; local traffic will be permitted. Traffic traveling southbound on Rural Street will use Washington Street, Sherman Drive, Prospect Street, Keystone Avenue and Hoyt Avenue to rejoin with Rural Street south of the intersection.
Northbound traffic will use Hoyt Avenue, Keystone Avenue, Prospect Street, Sherman Drive, and Washington Street to reconnect with Rural Street north of the intersection.
During the first phase of roundabout construction, one lane of traffic on Southeastern Avenue will be maintained in each direction. However, traffic may see partial lane closures and restrictions on Southeastern Avenue from Keystone Avenue to just southeast of the railroad tracks.
As part of the intersection improvements, English Avenue between Rural Street and Oxford Street will permanently close to through traffic. During construction, English Avenue between Oxford and Gray Streets will be only accessible to westbound local traffic. English Avenue will be open and fully accessible to traffic traveling eastbound.
Traffic on Pleasant Run Parkway between Keystone and Southeastern Avenues will be maintained with one lane in each direction.
The approximately $9.2 million roadway improvement project, including a two-lane roundabout at Southeastern Avenue and Rural Street, drainage enhancements, and new sidewalks and ADA ramps, is expected to be complete by late 2022.
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