• IMPD will hold a Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct. 30 from 11-2 p.m. at 1806 Columbia Ave. Kids are invited to wear a Halloween costume for candy bags. There will be family-friendly activities from a variety of community partners.
• Reconnecting to Our Waterways will hold a Fall Bike Ride on Sunday, Oct. 24 from 12-2 p.m. Meet at Fletcher Park (1429 E. Brookside Ave.) for local refreshments and prizes, then heat out to ride to Pogue’s Run Art and Nature Park every half hour or ride at your own pace. Registration is requested online at https://tinyurl.com/poguesbikeride21
• Tim Mulherin, formerly of Irvington Community Schools, has written Sand, Stars, Wind, & Water: Field Notes From Up North. The collection of essays tells the story of his love for Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in Michigan. He will be at the Irvington Library (5625 E. Washington St.) on Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the major themes of the book. In addition, he will be at Central Library (40 E. Clair) on Saturday, Oct. 30 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. for the Author’s Fair.
• As of October 18, Indiana has reported over one million positive cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic officially began in March, 2020. Total deaths from the virus total nearly 16,000 Hoosiers. Only 49% of us are fully vaccinated, and 53% have had one dose of Moderna or Pfizer. If you are over 12 and have not yet received your COVID-19 vaccination, visit coronavirus.in.gov or call 211 to make an appointment. In addition, vaccinations will be offered at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway parking lot, Gate 2 from noon-8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday through Oct. 30 (no appointment necessary).
• On Sunday, Oct. 24 from 4-6 p.m., Mass Ave. will host Monster Mash Mass Ave. Participating merchants will be outside their storefronts to pass out candy to the costumed little ones. Parking will be free, and many merchants and theaters all along the corridor will be open.
• Harvest Nights at Newfields continues through Oct. 31. Tickets are required for the event, which allows visitors to stroll the grounds that have been decked out for the spooky season! Tickets are $25 for nonmembers, $17 for youth 6-17. You must purchase tickets in advance at discovernewfields.org.
• Leaf pickup in Greenfield will begin Nov. 1. Leaves must be raked to the curbside, and bagged leaves will be picked up within 2 working days, but you must call the Street Department at 477-4380. Depending on your location, leaves will be picked up through Dec. 3-10. Check with greenfield.org for more information about your service.
• Cumberland’s leaf pick-up has begun and will run through Dec. 10, depending on weather and conditions. Please make sure no non-leaf materials are mixed in with your leaves, as it can damage the vacuuming equipment. Rake the leaves to the edge of the road for easy access.