Fishing Outing Supports Brooke’s Place

INDIANAPOLIS — Brooke’s Place, a grief support organization for children and their families, will again partner with Flanner Buchanan’s Washington Park East Cemetery Association to celebrate its fishing outing’s 20th anniversary on Saturday, August 28 from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
A favorite among Brooke’s Place families, the annual fishing outing is held at the beautiful ponds of Washington Park East Cemetery, 10722 E. Washington Street, which provides a calm and healing atmosphere for kids, teens and adults to both honor their loved ones who have died and enjoy recreation amidst the pain of loss. The Fishing Outing was originally envisioned by Jordan Ware, a fisherman himself, and a neighbor of Brooke’s Place founder Pam Wright, when Brooke’s Place first started back in 1999. When Jordan learned that Pam and others were creating a special support organization for families grieving the death of a loved one, he creatively utilized his unique talent and resources to launch the Brooke’s Place Annual Fishing Outing.
For 20 years, this passionate group has pooled resources to provide this special event free of charge to the grieving families at Brooke’s Place — including free refreshments, bait, fishing assistance and fishing poles for kids to keep after the event.
Established in 1999, Brooke’s Place provides ongoing grief support groups, therapy services, and community education to empower children, teens, young adults and their families to thrive in the midst of grief. For the last 22 years, Brooke’s Place has served more than 20,000 individuals.  With an estimated 73,000 children expected to experience the death of a loved one in Central Indiana before the age of 20, there will always be an ongoing need for the programs provided at Brooke’s Place. To learn more, please visit .