IRVINGTON — The Irvington Historical Society’s annual Ice Cream Social will be held Sunday, Aug. 1 from noon-4 p.m. at the Bona Thompson Memorial Center, 5350 University Ave. Dixieland Jazz will be played and great treats will be available for sale, including premium ice cream. Lunch may also be purchased from Hoosier Que. Proceeds from the Ice Cream Social help the Irvington Historical Society maintain the history of the neighborhood through programs and exhibits.
If there is ice cream left over from the event, they will continue to sell the individual portions over the weekends until gone. Flavors are Fudgie Brownie, Vanilla, Mint Chocolate Chip and non-dairy Raspberry Sorbet.
A small craft fair will be open with local artisans on the grounds. The Bona Thompson Memorial Center will be open, featuring a new exhibit featuring Madge Oberholtzer’s life and legacy. The new exhibit ties in with a soon-to-be released book, Madge, by Charlotte Halsema Ottinger. Madge will be released in October with pre-sales beginning now.
This work is the result of nearly a decade’s worth of research by Irvington resident, Charlotte Halsema Ottinger. The 492-page book features over 200 photos, many of which are never-before or rarely published. The cover price will be $35. Pre-order your copy before September 23, you can save $5. Visit to pre-order at a discount.
Books will be available for pickup during regular hours at the Bona Thompson Center starting Oct. 1. There will be free, “No-touch” delivery available to residence in the 46219 area, or shipping via U.S. Mail is available for an additional $5.
Downey Avenue will be closed in front of the Bona Thompson during the event.