USPS Operation Santa Begins

INDIANAPOLIS — The USPS Operation Santa program was established by the Postal Service 107 years ago to help families and children in need at the holidays. The mission is to provide a channel where people can help children and families have a magical holiday when they otherwise might not. This year brings some exciting changes and a new website
Individuals and Organizations can adopt letters to Santa online at It’s important to note that even though the letters are adopted online, the adopter MUST go to a Post Office that offers “Label Broker” as an on-site service to send the gift. Adopters can find qualifying Label Broker Post Offices by visiting the Post Office Locator
The Postal Service began receiving letters to Santa Claus more than 100 years ago; however, it was in 1912 when Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock authorized local postmasters to allow postal employees and citizens to respond to the letters — this became known as Operation Santa. The complete history can be found online