College, University Students Target of New Campaign

INDIANAPOLIS — State officials recently launched the #KnowEnough ad campaign designed to inform Hoosier college students about Indiana’s existing Lifeline Law, which prohibits criminal prosecution for underage drinking and other related offenses when the student reports a medical emergency to the police, stays with the person in need and cooperates with authorities. This message has saved 54 lives by utilizing Indiana’s Lifeline Law.
By using social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook, the positive campaign encouraged incoming and returning college students throughout Indiana to Text/call 911, stay and cooperate when someone is in need of medical attention due to alcohol consumption.
Indiana’s Lifeline Law provides legal amnesty from prosecution for underage drinking, and many related drinking offenses, for a person who calls or texts 911, or for persons assisting and reporting a medical emergency, sexual assault or other crime. The purpose of the partnership is to encourage teens and young adults to contact 911 for help when they find themselves or a friend in an emergency, especially those situations that may have involved alcohol or a sexual assault, or if they witness another crime.