Perry Twp. Teacher Named Teach Factor Fellow

INDIANAPOLIS —The National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) named Corrie Callahan, master teacher in Perry Township School District in Indianapolis, as a Teach Factor Fellow for the recently launched Teach Factor initiative. This initiative illuminates the stories of effective teachers, principals and superintendents to reveal scalable solutions for teacher leadership – a factor pivotal to the profession and student achievement.
Callahan first began working in Perry Township School District in 2004 as a career teacher before becoming a teacher leader as a mentor and finally a master teacher. Since implementing formal teacher leader roles in partnership with NIET, Perry Township faculty members have come together as a team to address educational challenges and form a coherent vision of student success. They’ve also been able to implement educator effectiveness best practices districtwide.
Teach Factor Fellows will participate in panels and roundtable discussions and share their stories of success in teacher leadership as well as their trusted resources at and on NIET’s social channels.