INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) will be collecting bagged leaves beginning Mon., Nov. 6 through Fri., Dec. 1.
DPW’s solid waste team will remove up to 40 bags of leaves per household each week on regular trash pickup days during the 4-week leaf collection season.
Indianapolis residents are asked to follow a few simple guidelines:
• Place leaves in plastic waste bags. Paper bags can dissolve or tear in wet weather.
• Leaf bags should be outside by 7 a.m. on each resident’s regular trash day.
• Keep all leaf bags at least 3 feet away from trash carts so trucks can access carts.
DPW would like to remind residents that any trash left outside of carts will not be collected. Leaves collected this year will be composted at the South Side Landfill, and mulch will be available to residents in the spring for free. DPW workers collected more than 5,000 tons of leaves in 2016.
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