From The Indianapolis News, Monday, March 19: Irvington schoolboys are organizing a cadet company to be known as the Irvington Reserves. The organization is open to any Irvington boy from the ages of twelve to sixteen, who is five feet in height and weighs at least 100 pounds. Several Irvington citizens are helping with the finances and Irvington businessmen will be solicited. By the end of the week fifty boys are expected to join, and as soon as possible two companies will be formed. Captain R. E. Hunt will drill the boys in regular army drills. Rifles, uniforms and equipment will be obtained at once, and drills will begin next Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock on the commons at Layman Avenue and Washington Street. Later in the year hikes will be taken, and a camp pitched during July or August.
Other News This Week
- Street Improvements Coming to Near Eastside
- 100 Years Ago: March 7-13
- 67th Annual Indiana Flower + Patio Show March 15-23
- New School Zone to be Established on Brookville Rd.
- Heartland Celebrates Science on Screen Day
- Irvington Celebrates Blue Line Groundbreaking
- “Raising the Bar and Drawing the Line” Program March 12
- Osborn H. Oldroyd’s Greatest Fear
- Fleet Reserve Association Continues to Grow
- Eiteljorg Museum to Open New Exhibit
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