Cumberland Arts Goes to Market Showcases Local Talent

CUMBERLAND — Cumberland Arts Goes to Market is marking its seventh year on Aug. 15 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. The annual market, which has grown from year to year,  recently announced that this year’s art and craft festival with the Cumberland Farmers Market will be even more exciting than last year’s well-attended event. The festival will take place on Saturn Street between Cumberland Town Hall, 11501 E. Wash. St. and Cumberland First Baptist Church.
The entertainment line-up includes the Irish Airs and their traditional Irish sounds, Wild Mercy with their unique brand of eclectic Celtic-inspired music, the Indianapolis Men’s Chorus, and Haley Jonay. The day’s entertainment will kick off at 9 a.m. with the Warren Central High School choirs, followed by the Indianapolis Liederkranz Brass Band. AngiCat of Silly Safaris will amaze children and adults with a 1 p.m. performance in the expanded Kid’s Zone, which includes activities with Art with a Heart, a non-profit organization that provides hands-on visual arts experiences for at-risk children.
Visitors will enjoy shopping for unique products from more than 90 art, craft and market vendors —most of them local artisans and craftspeople. The Cumberland Farmers Market is part of the festivities, offering fresh produce from local farms, a variety of meats and cheeses from local suppliers, and much more from 8 a.m.-noon. The Cumberland Farmers Market is held every Saturday at the Cumberland Town Hall from 8 a.m.-noon until Oct. 31.
The food line-up is varied and exciting this year, and includes favorites like Chef Dan’s Southern Comfort Food Truck, J.D. Hogg Barbeque, Thai, Mexican, and all kinds of festival food as well as Campfield’s Kettle Korn.
Cumberland Arts Goes to Market has free event admission and free parking with a handicapped area. There are three free parking areas: West entrance parking at Meijer, east entrance parking in grassy area between Saturn Street and Pennsy Trail (enter from stop light at Muessing St. and E. Washington St.), and Handicapped parking area on the corner of Saturn and Munsie Streets.
For information about the festival or to volunteer, contact Facebook CumberlandArtsGoesToMarket and Twitter  @cumberlandfbc#CAGTM2015