Martin University Reveals New Strategic Plan

INDIANAPOLIS — Martin University’s Board of Trustees and administration announced recently that they have developed and approved a new strategic plan that will guide the school’s operations through the 2018 academic year.
President Eugene G. White said the school also has adopted a new vision statement: “To be a Haven of Hope, a Community of Support, and a Premier Leader among Institutions of Higher Education.”
Dr. White said the new strategic plan includes five major goals: Build solid financial stability for the University; enhance academic programs and services to students; enhance, expand and improve Martin University’s campus and infrastructure; improve the quality of operations and working conditions for faculty, staff and administrative personnel; and enhance the University’s engagement and services to the community.
The strategic plan includes numerous quantifiable objectives, including raising the school’s total full time equivalent enrollment by five percent a year from a base of 306 FTE students in 2016; increasing the retention and graduation rates of Martin students; creation of an office of University Development and Advancement; developing a doctoral program in urban leadership; and starting the School of Education in the fall semester of 2017.
Additional goals include increasing faculty, administrative and staff salaries by six percent over the next three years and contributing leadership to the development of a Martindale-Brightwood Educational Zone. To review the plan in its entirety, visit