• Fall officially begins Sept. 22. The day and night are equal that day — and the days get shorter from here on out! Which means that winter is coming before you know it.
• Eric Grayson will present the first of the fall series of Vintage Movie Nights on Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. at the Garfield Park Arts Center, 2432 Conservatory Dr. The fall films will be film noir, a genre noted for low-key black-and-white visuals and cynical detectives. The movie this month will be “X Marks the Spot,” a 1942 example of the genre. Tickets are $5 at the door. Popcorn, candy and drinks available for $1 each. Visit www.gpacarts.org for more information.
• The Indianapolis Repertory Theatre is celebrating the opening of The Two Gentlemen of Verona and their canine cast member, Crab, with a special “Ruffs and Tails” event on Sept. 21 from 5-7 p.m. at the theatre, 140 W. Washington St. Bring your dog and a donation for the Humane Society and you may win all sorts of cool prizes, eat some great treats (you and your dog) and hang out with other dogs. You can have your dog’s picture taken in a Shakespearean ruff! With special code, “IRTdog”, $2 per ticket of the Wed, Oct. 1st 7:30pm performance and the Sun, Oct. 12th 5pm performance will be donated to the Humane Society of Indianapolis. Check out the donation needs for the Humane Society at indyhumane.org and going to the Shelter Wish List.
• There will be an Eastside Boy Scout Troop 161 Pancake Breakfast on Sept. 20 from 8-10 a.m. at Longhorn Steakhouse, 10240 East Washington St. Tickets are $5. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door. For advance tickets contact Angela Young at 442-2657. Children under 6 may share a ticket with a limit of 2 per ticket.
• Abacucu Garcia, who runs Garcia’s Hot Dog stand in the parking lot at the Family Dollar on 16th and Emerson was robbed at gunpoint last week. When his many, many fans heard what happened to this hard-working gentleman, they rallied around to help him out when he reopened. Long lines formed for his gourmet hot dogs, despite the chill in the air — a testament to the quality of his dogs, and the quality of folks on the east side.
• If you haven’t been to at IMPD East Task Force meeting, you really should go and get the scoop on what’s happening. There was a good discussion about Crimestoppers, plus information about the efforts the police department is putting into crime prevention. The next meeting is on Oct. 8 at 3:30 p.m. at East District HQ, 201 N. Shadeland in the old Eastgate Mall on the south entrance.
Other News This Week
- It’s Not Easy Being Green
- St. Patrick’s Day in Indy Begins Early
- Establish Good Sleep Hygiene to Improve Your Health
- Rediscover “The Glass Menagerie” at the IRT
- 46th Annual McFadden Lecture to Feature Timothy Egan
- Nazis at Arsenal Tech…What?, Part 1
- 2025 Mary Moriarity Adams Scholarship Application Now Open
- Love Like David Benefit Concert
- 100 Years Ago: March 14-20
- Statewide Conservation Programs Suspended
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