100 Years Ago This Week: Oct. 25-Nov. 1

From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, October 26, 1913:  More than 2,500 persons representing practically every industry, business firm, and institution in the city took advantage of the industrial excursion conducted yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce. Two special passenger trains departed Union Station and made their way along main lines and the Belt Railroad providing the sightseers with views of the 250 factories, many colorfully decorated with flags and bunting, along the rights of way. Several had prepared extensive exhibits of their wares. Factory whistles noisily saluted the passengers, and workers and residents along the line greeted the trains with cheers and waving banners. The travelers were given glimpses of the West Side, South Side, and eastern parts of the city, and after passing through Brightwood, they were returned to Union Station.